Lymphoma since 11/2015 ~ 8次化療 + 15次電療 ******************************** My new blog & youtube channel ~ vmacook*vmawet
- vvma Vs Lymphoma
- 我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.
2016年2月23日 星期二
終於第三次化療 23-29/2/2016
第一天,23/2, 因沒有隔離病房, 住在6人大房中, 28床,真是一個恐怖晚上, 對面住著一個胖女青,妹的升鼻軒聲, 又大又急, 根本沒可能入睡,再加上旁邊一位老婦人, 她駁著的儀器, 同鼻軒聲合奏,老婦的家人,不依探病時間規定, 由早上7時至10時,仲有時多到10個人探訪, 姑娘即使勸告, 他們也不理會, 始終是女病房, 那些男人走來走去,又大聲傾計,又唔帶口罩, 真的騷擾其他病人。再旁邊的是因咳出血, 我旁邊是腎有事的, 另一位都是咳的, 當晚, 睡了30分鐘。
第二天, 24/2,因身體既情況, 再加上遲遲未開始化療及未有足夠睡眠, 流淚了, 心沉了。醫生通知雖然陣肝酵素仍高,有138,但因為兩星期內沒有顯著升高,只有調較藥的成份,儘量減低對肝的傷害。當時只想快點開始,快點離開。就在20分鐘後, 通知轉回隔離病房,19床, 心中有點興奮, 原來天父有聆聽我的禱告。
第三天,25/2, ALT124, 血糖17.6,又一個問題, 話要打止嘔針打豆豆, 我堅決反對, 寧口服也不打4日豆豆為一枝止嘔針, 那針係第二次化療時, 一曰枝, 打落喉仔, 點解今次又要打豆?最後改用貼,貼在手臂5天。
第四天, 26/2, 血糖19.4, 人生第一次打胰島素,打肚皮, 但今日, 人超攰, 瞓咗2次, 每次3個鐘, 都好快過呢日。今晚仲搬到一人房。21床
第五、六日,27-28/2,除了攰之外, 仲有作悶作嘔, 好辛苦。
終於第七天, 29/2,完了。但作悶的情況沒有離開我,但因為可回家, 也是開心吧!
2016年2月16日 星期二
2016年2月15日 星期一
等床的日子Time for waiting a bed
原本昨天入院, 但因冇床位, 唯有等電話, 真係香港一個奇景。
I am supposed to be admitted to hospital yesterday. But because there is no bed available, I need to wait for the call from the ward. It is really a special scene of Hong Kong.
I am supposed to be admitted to hospital yesterday. But because there is no bed available, I need to wait for the call from the ward. It is really a special scene of Hong Kong.
2016年2月4日 星期四
白血球又低, 血糖仍高,手指麻 White blood Cell count 1.7. Glucose 11.4, finger tip numb
今天0800入院覆診, 白血球低, 又要打3枝升白針...又要辛苦幾日。但手指尖發麻, 令到打唔到字, 用唔到力, 今早已同黃醫生講,原來其中一隻藥的副作用。下一次化療時, 要再調校一下藥的份量。另因類固醇的情況, 引致血糖高。
I go for medical check up at 8 am and find out the white blood cell count is 1.7, Glucose 11.4. Glucose is high because of the Steroid.
But I find out that my finger tips are numb. It makes me feel pain while touching anything. Of course, even typing. I told Dr, Wong about that and he says that they will adjust the portion for the next chemo cos finger numb is one of the side effect.
I go for medical check up at 8 am and find out the white blood cell count is 1.7, Glucose 11.4. Glucose is high because of the Steroid.
But I find out that my finger tips are numb. It makes me feel pain while touching anything. Of course, even typing. I told Dr, Wong about that and he says that they will adjust the portion for the next chemo cos finger numb is one of the side effect.
2016年2月3日 星期三
咳的日子真難過 Coughing Time, Hard Time
星期一覆診, 白血球又回落至1.6, 不過不用打白血球針. 但咳已令人很辛苦, 痰卡在氣管咳唔出, 鼻涕貼緊鼻腔呻唔到, 真辛苦。雖然已於上星期六睇了馬醫生, 食完藥沒有上次的有效。終於今天威爾斯的譚醫生開了傷風敏感藥及化痰藥, 今天已比前幾日舒服了些, 希望咳快停。另外, 開始覺得手指頭有點麻及觸電感覺。
明天又要到威爾斯覆診。祈求天父快把我的咳醫好, 使我身心回復平靜。
I went back to Hospital for check up on Monday. The white blood cell count back to 1.6 but the doctor do not need me to take the filgratm Syringe. My cough made me really tired. The spit are so sticky and cannot come out. Although I visited Dr. Ma last Saturday, the medicine seemed not working at all. But Dr. Tam gave me the medicine on Monday and it worked. I feel better these few days. By the way, I feel a bit paralysis.
Tomorrow, I will go for follow up check at Prince Wales Hospital. I pray for Lord that hope He could heal my cough and make my heart peace and calm.
明天又要到威爾斯覆診。祈求天父快把我的咳醫好, 使我身心回復平靜。
I went back to Hospital for check up on Monday. The white blood cell count back to 1.6 but the doctor do not need me to take the filgratm Syringe. My cough made me really tired. The spit are so sticky and cannot come out. Although I visited Dr. Ma last Saturday, the medicine seemed not working at all. But Dr. Tam gave me the medicine on Monday and it worked. I feel better these few days. By the way, I feel a bit paralysis.
Tomorrow, I will go for follow up check at Prince Wales Hospital. I pray for Lord that hope He could heal my cough and make my heart peace and calm.
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