
我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.

2016年6月8日 星期三


第七次了,又住大房, 可能知道就快完成, 心中沒有那麼火, 只是靜靜地等。但估不到, 牙醫的事令我發火,但同事另一件事令我靜下來。

第一日, 因下午入醫,唯有homeleave回家,第二天先見牙醫. 早上standby到10點, 等了合幾鐘, 到我時, 居然話要開刀做手術脫智慧牙, 心中雖然奇怪, 但相信醫生的決定, 更不想因牙影響化療進度. 下午等了一輪, 3點推到, 打了4下麻醉藥, 又等個幾鐘, 藥力都開始變弱時, 推入房, 一位中級醫生入黎, 再加2針麻醉針, 睇了我的片, 又再叫一位高級醫生入黎, 之後通知我不可做手術. 不可以?我2天的時間?白捱的6針?他不但沒有任何歉意, 一開口就chanllenge我為什麼要求脫智慧牙, 什麼時候化療, 一大堆想卸下責任的問題. 我當時還被手術布蓋著眼睛的。我要求坐起來面對面談,並重新講述整個過程.

1. 應在房外與其他2位醫生商量, 了解先是誰的決定,而不是直接"兇"病人, 及後於病人旁邊責備醫生
2. 他以"如果你是我親戚, 我不會建議你做", 這是醫書那一版?
3. 他說是否脫牙由我決定, 我牙痛, 告訴我的醫生, 醫生要牙醫比second opinion, 牙醫卻要我決定, 牙醫不是要以專業人士的給專業意見嗎? 對化療有問題, 不是直接聯絡我醫生直接得多, 病人是被醫的那一位, 而不是吩咐醫生怎樣醫.
4. 不是正常病人, 化療中的病人有很多限制, 不應由一個新的牙醫處理, 即使也要多一位資深的旁診, 莫非這位醫生以為出了事, 一推就事不關己?新醫生早生完診, 都應主動問一下

我慶幸的, 是我血液科的醫生, 正在同我一同作戰的醫生, 不似他們那樣, 我今次如真的成功, 全賴他們。

2016年6月7日 星期二

An urging for death

This is my first time to see a dying patient who wants to die so much. Her family had already accept this is the fact. Her situation was so worse but her husband would stay overnight at the hospital and daughter-in-law would take care of her day time. They will help her scratching, dripping water, placing the fan, swipe the sweat etc. daily without complaints. They do have a very strong bond of family.

After chat with her family, realize that she did not have one on her side. Those family members are her husband family. I think that it is God work to let her meet her husband and stay with a very good family which gave her warm and care.

Finally, she passed away and finish the 3 and a half months on the bed and the 15 months war with cancer.

Hope that she is happy in Heaven now.