
我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.

2016年1月24日 星期日

Leaving hospital 離開醫院

終於完了, 辛苦了家人, 特別是我老伴, 每天走來走去, 公司事務繁忙。可是今天又是香港最凍的一天, 4度, 唔係呀。不過, 只要回家, 什麼都OK.

Finally finished. I am sorry that my family are disturbed, especially my husband. He is busy in office and need to rush to hospital to buy me dinner.

Today, I can go back home. But it is also the coldest in Hong Kong, 4 degree. Now, I don't want anything but go back home.

