After the petscan on May 4, I go to the hospital to wait for my report the next day. I am happy to know that the tumor's size is minimize and it become inactive while comparing the first petscan on Dec 22, 2015. It proved that the treatment is effective.
Lymphoma since 11/2015 ~ 8次化療 + 15次電療 ******************************** My new blog & youtube channel ~ vmacook*vmawet
- vvma Vs Lymphoma
- 我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.