
我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.

2016年11月28日 星期一

電療後血液科覆診 The medical appointment after the radiation treatment

1. 等了足足3個半鐘, 醫生見我精神唔錯, 都冇咩CARE我講野, 整個會見約30分鐘, 他有29分鐘都是望住個MON, 不停打電腦, 最後, 明年1月再見, 咁問佢幾時再照PETSCAN,因為只有PETSCAN先確定我是否痊癒,佢話唔會咁密, 等1月覆診時先BOOK啦, 咁如有人問我好返未, 我只有答1月先知....
2. 我左手腕於半個月前, 即開始電療前有粒豆既野係皮下面, 而家個粒野已令我左手掌不能活動自如, 醫生寫了轉介紙比我睇骨科同物理治療...呢D就係傳統政府醫生, 病唔死都比佢激死
3.我醫生建議我打流感針, 寫紙比我去打, 但姑娘話我唔合付資格,雖然醫生話我係抵抗力低, 我唔合資格原因仲好笑, 唔夠65歲同唔係拎綜援....OMG(都唔知幾多人拎綜援, 國內大把錢.....)

 What's on today?

1. After waiting for 3 and half hour, the doctor see me at last. For the 30 minutes conversation, he does not look at me at all. He spends 29 mins on the monitor and the keyboard. Maybe I am no longer sick and he merely spend any concern over me. When I ask him when would be the next petscan, he would prefer to talk on the next appointment on January 2017.

2. Regarding my left wrist, I am feeling bad and worse. I can hold thing or twist at certain angle. However, after he takes a really fast look at my x-ray,  he refer me to the physio therapy and orthopedics department. I feel a bit disappointed with his altitude.

3. And another good doctor suggest me to take the Seasonal Influenza Vaccination. And she fills up the form. However, the nurse there rejects me as I am not a over 65 elderly nor a Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme Applicant. (I believe that some of the applicants are rich people in China.)

The Hong Kong Government is no longer serving the real Hong Kong people. 

2016年11月15日 星期二

第9次電療 The 9th treatment

上星期五因為電療機壞了,所以要延多1 天, 23/11才完成, 剛是第二年的第一天, 希望亦是治療最後一天吧。

第六次開始, 除了攰之外, 還有頂心作悶的感覺。這一次比一次明顯, 今天做完電療, 已即有這種感覺。

The machine broke down last Friday and my last treatment day postponed one more day, 23/11. This day would be the 1st day of my second year of Lymphoma. And I hope that it would be last treatment day.

And since the 6th treatment, besides feeling fatigue, I feel discomfort in my stomach. This feeling become serious day by day. I can feel it today right after the treatment.


2016年11月7日 星期一

第4次電療 The 4th treatment

多謝天父既保守, 第4次電療都未見有大唔舒服。只係頂胃感覺稍為明顯,攰同有輕微背痛。

上星期五因左手腕有粒白粒, 好似粒藥丸咁, 按有痛, 同郁手指公時有唔舒服, 醫生寫紙比我照x光, 希望冇事啦。


Thank you very much for my Lord taking care of me during the radiation therapy. I feel great although I have received the 4th treatment. Besides tired, only a bit pain in stomach & back. 

Last Friday, a small pea sized was find on my left wrist. I feel pain only I pressed on it. And it seems affecting while I am swinging my thumb. Dr. Cheung refers me to take a x-ray and hope that it would be nothing serious.

Keep going.

2016年11月2日 星期三


好緊張, 到我啦, 入去先係入口坐等叫先入去更衣室除衫, 手震, 望到出面坐係梳化既老公幫我影相, 雖然笑緊,眼角淚水微微流下。

入到去, 緊張到個頭"kwok"一聲撞落個模度, 過程好快, 聽到dee dee聲..仲聽到"好心分手","又不是80年代"隻歌, 3劍俠咁後生, 都會聽我年代既歌!!

十幾分鐘, 佢地話做完,聽日見。

做完個刻冇大感覺, 約半個鐘後開始有少少頂胃,去咗食個熱湯飯, 就冇咗呢個感覺。食完後, 突然覺我好攰, 要即刻返屋企, 瞓咗4個鐘。真係攰到莫名其妙。

2016年11月1日 星期二


準時到達, 去一間房入面瞓住個模, 個醫生問我有冇瘦到, 心中笑一下, 沒有瘦啦, 只有肥咗2磅。醫生話左邊胸側個點位置有改變。醫生再同我講, 會依而家身體位置同上星期PETSCAN為準, 1個月前既位置會改。 心中好開心有個咁有醫德既醫生。

之後去2號機房前面, 我一陣入去個房度一次, 因為我黎緊個15次都會係呢間房。2號機3位電療醫非常nice, 雖然係2男1女, "嬲"既組合, 佢地好認真, 好細心解釋比我聽程序。
