六年半了,好開心我今天仍活著. 回想當時既憂慮、治療、痛苦、喜與樂,都好慶幸自己已渡過了。
今天, 仍帶著糖尿、脂肪肝、同剩餘的癌細胞,每天晚上感謝天父比我安然渡過, 每天早上都是醒來。
不知道仲有冇機會再遇見幫過我既醫療人員、朋友、學生、同事, 遇到的病友, 但願大家都能身體健康, 開開心心過活。
Counting the days since my Lymphoma, it is already 6 and a half year. When I saw the photos, records and the reports, I remember all the scenes, the treatment, the suffering, happiness and sadness. Thanks God's mercy and I am still alive now.
Today, I am still living with my friends ~ diabetes, fatty liver, the rest of cancer cells. I will thank God for giving me a good day every night and wake up healthy every day.
I don't know whether I can meet those medical staff who helped me, friends, ex-students, colleagues, my cancer friends again. But I hope everyone is healthy and happy ever forever.
#cancer survivor