
我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.

2024年11月2日 星期六

Busy November

 This month would be a very special month. Busy in Medical appointments and treatments. 

I will have an operation in Gynaecology. It would be a one-day treatment and do not need to stay overnight. The doctor said it is not fatal but urgent. It is the first time that the operation is beyond my acknowledgement. I will be informed the details and the whole process on the day of my operation. And it is also the first operation in UK. 🤞

 On the other hand, there are 2 part time which I applied 6 months ago. It is strange that they sent me the job detail before knowing my operation. The timeline is so well planned and all in the respective order.  

 All the  above make my November full of challenges and busy.

今個十一月, 一個超繁忙既十一月. 好多覆診, 仲加一個婦科手術. 

今之係割纖維瘤, 醫生話,not fatal but urgent. 第一之係英國做手術, 仲係唔知道好多細節, 要係入院個日先知. 

另外有兩份半年前申請, 係未知要做手術前又聯絡我, 點會唸到要做手術呀.整個編排好似好有整理咁.




2024年10月16日 星期三

A few years later.......... 幾年後...........

 A few years later, I am still alive. Thank God mercy to me. 

Staying here for 3 years and had a part time job.😃 I would say the life here is only peace on mind. Here, people are mostly very nice but there are still some that not easy to be 'managed'.

My body had no specific uncomfortable but recently I will have a small surgery Gynaecology. Thank God that it is not fatal but it is urgent as described by the doctor.  I wish everything would in God's hand. 

The health system maybe a failure to the people here. But honestly, when compare to the place I came, it is not that bad. We don't need to wait for 3 hours for just 15 minutes in the consultation room. And some doctors even talked to you without eye contact. It is not a communication with you medical expert but like you are arrived in the immigration passport control. 

Here, they will explain about your situation, talk to you and give you time to ask them questions. And they don't need to pushy. Relax and work, life balanced. 👌

又過咗幾年, 感恩仍活著. 有一份唔錯既兼職, 大部份人都唔錯, 硬係有D比較難處理. 😩

身體方面還好, 不過最近需要做一個婦科小手術, 希望一切順利. 

呢度醫療對於本地人會覺得失望, 但相對黎講, 比我以前的還好. 至少唔會等3個鐘見3分鐘, 有D醫生仲零交流, 好似過海關咁. 

呢度會同你交流, 比時間你問問題, 解釋你既情況, 唔會趕你走咁. 

呢度要放鬆, 工作生活要取得平衡.

2022年9月30日 星期五

Quality of Life 生活質素

17/12/2015 is a very important date for me as it is the first day to know I had Lymphoma.  Just two more months later, I would be 7th Anniversary.  It would be happy to know that I am bathed in love of Jesus and my family and friends of these years. 

My situation now is good. With a different living environment, lifestyle, weather and people, I find the life could be in better quality. It is not merely the food, but the way of living. I am lucky at this moment that I do not need to worry about living. 

However, while knowing the life of the younger generation, it is not that easy. They strike for survival is not that easy. The job market here is not the same as the one in Hong Kong where the people like me need the time to adapt and follow. Maybe the pace of Hong Kong is far too fast and efficient which make a big difference to us. But because of the 'slow' action which allows us to have a relax pace and to built a better quality of life. 

2015年12月17日, 一個重要的日子, 因為當天跟淋巴癌相遇的日子。 仲有兩個月, 就識咗7年。 好感恩既係我有天父、家人及朋友既關愛。

我現在身體情況還好, 係新環境仍適應中, 唔同既步伐、人物、天氣同生活習慣都比我知道原來生活可以係活得更有質素。

香港急急腳、快快手, 對比呢度就見得好慢, 但原來呢人個慢, 係可以令生活更加高質同埋更有意思。

2022年9月4日 星期日

Status update 現況更新

I am still good today. I tried a new recipe since August 30, 2022 which I do not eat any carbohydrate products. But I eat a lot of vegetables. In the past may I be I eat 40% meat, 25% carbohydrate products and 25% vegetables. Now, it would be 40-50% meat, 50%-60% vegetables. Just four days, I  have 2.2 kg less. So happy. 


30/8開始戒飯,所有碳水化合物都唔食。 每5日休息2日, 今天上磅, 少咗2KG。 超開心。

2022年5月12日 星期四

A careless fall 做咗大冬瓜

沖涼唔記得拎毛巾好平常, 但拎完係廁所"冼"咗落地下, 好彩老公聽到"呯"一聲, 就去廁所搵我, 扶我起身。個一刻只感到右邊大腿好痛, 尾龍骨有忍忍痛。

第二日起身,都要拐拐下, 上落樓梯都要扶手。

第三日就好多了, 今日都行得好好, 不過知道要多休息,以免再過勞。

 Forget to bring the towel to shower is a common incident. But for me, I am really careless that I have a big fell on the ground. It is lucky that my husband rushed to toilet after hearing a big noise. My husband helped me to stand up. I feel pain of my right thigh and a bit uncomfortable at my back.

On the second day, I need to use the stair handrail for going up and down the stairs. 

On the third day, it is really good. But I will keep to remind myself not walking too much. 

2022年4月30日 星期六

友情互勉 mutual support

 係呢段期間, 都有不少朋友問有關癌症治療或者期間既情況, 他們有些是自己有事,有些是他們家人, 好慶幸同感恩, 他們各位都是癌症勝利者. 

 因為我由開始至今, 都沒有輕咗或者瘦咗 (老實, 有少少失望, 因由細到大都從未瘦過) 我有問過醫生, 佢地話我夠陽光, 夠正面, 同肯食野, 不過我係聽馬醫生話要食好瞓好. 

其實我有事那些年月, 都是朋友、家人、學生既慰問同關心, 尤其有些失落日子, 報告差, 效果唔理想,等待醫院回覆, 前路茫茫時,那些有野講唔出, 又要唔想家人再擔心,一個窩心問候, 一張咭或者一個訊息都會為你差電

你身邊如果有朋友正面對癌症, 請久唔久發一個訊息鼓勵下,支持下.



I have received calls from friend asking about cancer and the treatment. They may need help for themselves or their relative & friends. I am willing to offer help as I think this is my task for the second life from God.  And blessed they are all still good and healthy. ✌

 I am still healthy and still "Fat" after the cancer and it would be relatively strange as most cancer survivors are slimmer after. I asked my doctor about this and he said it is because my positive altitude and I am willing to eat. 😋

So during the time of suffering, there are so many friends sending me books and articles about how to eat. I did read it but I do think that if the books really help all the people from cancer.  I prefer Dr. Ma's comment. Eat what you want and what you need. Two main duties for cancer patient are : enough sleep and eat well. This principal made me strong and healthy until today. 

 Psychologically speaking, my family, friends, colleagues, ex-students were doing excellent jobs while I was suffering.  Sometimes, while getting sad reports, waiting hospital replies, unsatisfactory results really stressed me up. But their messages, cards or small gifts will recharge me spiritually. 

So, if you have any friends who are suffering now, please do send them a message or even an emoji. That means much to them, I can tell. 



2022年4月28日 星期四

活到老學到老, 今日先識得覆留言 , 萬分抱歉 I am so sorry that I just learn how to reply comments.

 I just find out how to reply comment. I am so sorry that I reply the comments which post a few years ago. I hope that those people are still going well today. 

Thank you all who really read my blogger and hope that my blog would really give them a minute of positive push. 

I will keep tight on this blog and I will keep record my situation and hope that while you read my post and leave me message. We may not see each other but we can keep connect over here and support each other. 

今日先識覆回應,十分抱歉, 學極都唔識. 希望仲有人會睇我個BLOG, 睇完有一分鐘正能量, 大家未必有機會見到, 但有緣係呢度交流下都好呀.