一早9點, 即往威爾斯排隊, "正常"醫院既接待員, 比個期我係2017年, 我即同佢講我等唔到, 我同佢講有封信可以交比醫生嗎? 那封是律敦治醫生的信. 等了一會, 有個姑娘叫我名,我行埋去, 佢我講, 會交比血液科醫生, 如果下星期仲未有人通知你改期, 你可以打返黎問一下。不過都相信會安排好快,你既情況都好急要安排.
早前已問了有幾位醫生, 從中選了2位, 老公即時亦安排了其中一位5點, 於是各自回公司,我回公司安排交低手尾, 係回公司途中, 再去問我邊一位較有耐性, 因為我的牛脾氣唔係人人受到, 自己再會因病變得更差, 所以一位好EQ既醫生會好些。我學生的意見係一位較急, 一位會對病人有耐性, 我即通知老公, 我想去睇另外一位, 就係咁, 我們選擇了馬承恩醫生, 他們天立即安排我下午1點前到, 望一望錶, 已12點, 隨即快快交低文件, 拜託了Barbara幫手,她沒有任何怨言, 立即伸出援手, 多謝她, 我方可立即離開。
到了 馬醫生, 第一眼都覺得佢好親切, 只是醫生個英文名同的弟弟一樣。我申請了E-病歷, 醫生可以用我給予的密碼睇到我公立醫院的文字狷歷及報告. 他亦好坦白告知我的情況, 我老公之前亦做了功課, 醫生都一一回答, 我的情況是急, 生存是以周數計, 隨即安排明天抽骨髓, 下星期做正電子掃描, 29號覆診, 最快30號可做第一次化療。但因為要付現金, 隨即到銀行取, 人生第一次拎住6萬現金去睇醫生, 好豪咁。
We arrive Prince Wales Hospital at 9 am. And they offer me the appointment date is in 2017. I tell the reception that I cannot wait until 2017. And I ask her whether I can submit a letter to the Doctor. After a while a nurse calls my name and she says they will submit the letter to Doctor and asks for an earlier date. And she tells me that my case is in urgent and they will offer me the soonest date.
At the same time, we asked many people about the private doctor with better reputation. And we short list into two doctors. My husband immediately call and make the appointment at 5 pm today. So we go back to our office. And I ask my student about the doctor who have high EQ. As I know I will be bad tempered and my husband will ask questions. So a high EQ doctor would make me feel better. And she tells me that one is radical and the other one would concern more about the patient. So I tell my husband that I prefer to see another doctor. And the nurse ask us to come before 1 pm. And it is 12 noon and I do not finish my job on hand. I go to ask for help from Barbara and she helps me without any complaints. Thank you very much. So I can leave.
This is the first time to meet Dr. Ma. He has the same English name as my brother. He looks friendly and he explains my case in details and answer all my husband's questions . As I apply or the e-record, Dr. Ma can use the password to open my written record at the public hospital. And he immediately arrange the bone marrow examination tomorrow and the petscan next week. Then we back to clinic on 29. The earliest chemo therapy would be arranged on 30. And they would accept cash for the test, this is my first time to take 60,000 cash to clinic.
Lymphoma since 11/2015 ~ 8次化療 + 15次電療 ******************************** My new blog & youtube channel ~ vmacook*vmawet
- vvma Vs Lymphoma
- 我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.
回覆刪除非常抱歉, 今天才懂得回覆留言。因為這兩年對於香港人真是非常煩忙,會努力更新.