8/12 放工回家沖涼即趕入院,食飽飽後上病房,準備明天抽組織,好怕會痛。
9/12 要戴手術帽, 好認真, 入去前,CT人會解釋過程,細節及一切存在的危險性。
入到CT床上, 有另外一位女醫生,更詳細講一次她準備的步驟及抽2或3個組織, 越多會越準確,在整個過程, 呼吸要控制好,及千祈不要移動, 因為移動有可能令針插穿肺部或其他器官。我問痛的程度時, 她很冷靜說, 大多數都可忍到的。這一句, 我心靜了一下,相信應該可以的。
先在胸前貼上一張格仔紙,用CT機進出進出搵到格上位置,用筆點一下, 再於CT確定。確定後, 醫生依點位置塗上碘酒, 便同我講, 而家開始啦。打局部麻醉針, 一針插人心口, 又尖又長既感覺,好真實,以為好似洗牙咁,打完會痺晒, 係唔會既! 她告訴我而家插枝筆芯粗既針入去, 插一下會再CT,確實深度同位置, 我望向左面的TV, 見到個瘤正是我身體的一半, 真的好大,所以頂住個肺! 個枝筆芯既管一插, 我聽到係電影打仗時,比茅插入的聲音, 插入時, 完全感覺到, 唔覺得有麻醉, 插個時介要忍住度氣, 呼吸唔可以太快, 因為會影響插咗既位置。係CT又插,CT又插數次後, 醫生這而家開始抽組織,抽時係完全感覺有夾從皮膚扯抽出來, 我忍唔住都講咗句粗口, 又話唔痛既@#*#. 醫生冇答我,等了3分鐘, 再抽第2針, 係入D, 真係痛死,麻醉藥去咗邊. 我眼淚不停係眼角流,醫生同我講, 我相信你都唔忍到第三針,已抽了2個組織, 都應該足夠化驗的. 於是就抽返支管,貼上壓力膠布, 仲要趴住過床, 推上病房。
本來4點可出院, 但因為做過手術, 姑娘一定要人接先走得, 叫大仔黎接, 因為仍係尖沙咀返工, 點知都要攪到6點, 當日又落雨, 跑馬地仲賽馬日, 最後7點先有的士回家, 的士司機仲黑口黑面,我問佢係唔係拒載先, 佢仲衰, 全程行70,得登排慢線.
I rush to home after work for a quick bath and go to hospital on 8/12. My husband have a dinner with me and admit to ward and ready for tomorrow.
9/12 I need to wear the full set of operation dress and cap. Before going to CT, the nurse tell me the process and details and all possible defects.
Lie on the CT bed, another Dr explain to me more details about the process and she says minimum 2 or 3 sets of tissue should be collected in order to have more solid data. I ask her how pain is the process. She tells me that most people can stand for that. Then I think I can stand also. But in fact, it is a lie.
First, they stick a grid sheet on my chest, and in and out CT to identify the exact grid. Then they use marker to mark it. The doctor told me that she is going to start and I need to keep in shape and cannot move to prevent the needle cut the lungs or other organs. And I can see the TV on my left and the tumor is just half of my body. How big it is. So the doctor inject some anesthetics. The needle is so sharp and long that I can feel it drill in my chest, it is really painful. Then Dr says she starts to insert a needle which size like the pen refill. The sound I can hear like the people was stuck by arrow in the war on movie. I need to hold the breath while she stuck in and breath in calm because I may move the needle and hurt the organ. And she need to push in several times after checking with the CT and make sure the right place and depth. Then she say we are going to take the first tissue out. I can feel the tissue is teared in my body. Holy shit, it is awful pain. Then after 3 minutes, she gets another one deeper. My tears running down from my eye corners. Then the Dr says that I may not able to stand for the third pick. And she says the tissue collected is good and enough for examine. After the pressure clot on my chest, I need to face down on the bed and back to ward.
In fact, I can leave at 4pm. But the nurse insist that I need to be accompany by someone because I have the operation. So I suppose my son would be the fastest one as he works at TST. However, he comes around 6. And it rains heavily, cold and horse racing at Happy Valley, I hard find a taxi back home. When I get on the one, the driver black face while he heard that we go back to Shatin. And I ask him whether he wants to go to police station or Shatin, he drives me back home with 70 the whole trip, driving on the slow lane. And I back home at 8pm finally with a very tired body.
Lymphoma since 11/2015 ~ 8次化療 + 15次電療 ******************************** My new blog & youtube channel ~ vmacook*vmawet
- vvma Vs Lymphoma
- 我寫這個BLOG希望給關心我的人知道我每天的近況,亦希望如有同樣遭遇的人, 應同我一樣積極面對,我的努力是愛我的人給我支持,我的回饋就是盡全力面對,戰勝癌症。 I created this blog because I want to let those who cares about me know what I am doing and feeling. And I hope those people like me would live happily and being positive. I have a strong backup by all my loved and what I can do for them is to fight cancer. 歡迎大家留言,比個支持我呀! Welcome to leave comments and support. Thank you.