今日開心終於回落了,回到121, 即刻上病房,可惜今次又到大房,仲要經理有人離世,見到家屬傷心,真的很難過。
係第三日,下午突然流鼻水,晚上鼻水倒流,變喉嚨痛,醫生即安排抽鼻水化驗。好彩無事, 為安全才安排我到隔離病房。
ALT finally coming own to 121. The doctor immediately send me to the ward. But this time, I am staying in a room of 6 and experienced someone passed away. I feel sorry for her family.
The third day, suddenly caught a running nose in the afternoon. Then sore throat at night. So the doctor collect my nose 's snivel for testing. Fortunately, they do not find any virus. And I was moved to isolated room.
Add oil. Any update recently? :)
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